5 Ways to reach NEW Customers or Leads 
Written by Nova De Jesus on Oct 2nd 2017
5 Ways to reach NEW Customers or Leads 

As a small Cleaning business, you do not have a Big marketing budget, right?
In any traditional marketing tactics — like print press marketing, TV media and radio ads, and direct mail — can add up fast.
I am sure there are ways to reach customers without breaking the bank. You just must do some research.
These days online marketing channels, small businesses have never had more access to cost-effective ways to track marketing tools. Here are 5 ways and some ideas to for your online marketing presence.

1. Create an Email list

The true saying goes, Money is in the List still holds today. Email marketing is not the newest marketing channel around, but it continues to be one of the most effective. They say for every 1person on your list is worth $1 one dollar. So, for example you have 10,000 people on your lists, they are worth $10,000 dollars.
New to email marketing? Well, getting started is easy. Sign up for an email marketing provider, shop around there are tons out there that do offer those types of services. 1. Gather contacts online by adding a sign-up form to your website or an opt in mail. If you have no idea what that is, go to Fiverr to get that done for you for an affordable price. 2. Start sending professional messages using a mobile-responsive email in house template.
By offering a FREE - services or offer right on your sign-up form helps collect those email lists that you need to grow your business. By offering Free or good offers to them gets them in to the doors faster.

2. By Starting a blog

You can write a blog. You just must do research on the topics that you are working on. There are tons of free articles that you can mimic or get ideas from. Just do a little research you will be surprised how easy it is to get started on writing on your first blog. If you do not have time to write one go to Fiverr or Upwork and just look for writers for a very affordable price.
Like I said before by writing blogs it helps with your presence and the search engine loves rich keywords that relates to your niche and this is also an easy way to show off your expertise and reach new customers when they search for answers online. Blogs are amazing also a great way for people to find out more about your business and the products and services that you have to offer.
3. Ask for reviews

By asking Customers for Reviews, helps your business tremendously. Reviews from Yelp, Angie’s List, Trust Pilot and So tell us are a great way to expanding your presence and a great impression on potential customers. Of course, you need legit reviews as customers can spot a fake one. Ask your Facebook fans to help you share your page and ask your customers to do a review about their experiences with their cleaning. Ask your staff to be sure to ask Customers immediately right after their cleaning to do a review for your company.

4. Ask for referrals

You must ask your existing customers to refer your business and why not!
Word of mouth referrals are some of the most cost-effective ways to reach new valuable customers, but many businesses shy away from asking. Chances are they do know so many people or future customers that they can refer to you. So, do not be shy to ask. Do not let the fear of rejection stand in the way of reaching new potential customers! Even if it is only a couple people say yes, you will get in front of some valuable new regular customers.

5. Find an Marketing Agency to advertised for you.

It is true, the world has evolved to new things. The world and time are changing. The old marketing ways are gone. There are so many Advertising Agency that can help you, you just must shop around and find what works for you. A lot of these agencies are so good at what they do, they study what is working out there. They are up to date with what's happening around us. Find one that offer FREE trials for the next 14 days or so. That is new leads into the door that you did not have before and it is Free. That way you can decide whether this is something for you or not. Trying new things is absolutely critical. Don't be afraid to spend a little, after all it is your company and you need to find ways to grow. 

This is a great way to reach new people without a lot of effort on your part. They can help you with Facebook Ads, Paid ads on google and even help you with SEO etc.
You need to do a lot more for your cleaning company to grow. You cannot be stagnant, there are so many competitions out there that you need to stay ahead of the game.


Nova De Jesus

Nova De Jesus has been helping owners of Residential Cleaning companies, the owner of Cleaning companies herself have help build a more profitable and successful cleaning business since 2008, is also the Author of ‘Put the shine on Profits’ is also a Digital Marketing owner and currently running a Successful Marketing Agency to date. Nova helps Cleaning Companies get 20 - 50 Plus NEW customers per month. She is an expert at helping Cleaning Companies get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand. If you're interested in learning how Nova can help you grow your Cleaning business then click on blue button below. 
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