Written by Nova De Jesus on October 17th 2018
Why some people fail in a cleaning business during their first 5 years in business. Owning a cleaning or any business for that matter, is risky. One must take great amount of planning and preparation and must be implemented from the start of your new career. Sadly, many entrepreneurs do not properly prepare themselves and their new business to succeed. Studies shows from the Small Business Association (SBA), fifty percent of new businesses fail during their first five years.
When Starting a new cleaning business and making it successful is not an easy task to do. But understanding the reasons why half of new businesses close and how to avoid those reasons, may just keep your business from becoming one of a failure, statistics.

Written by Nova De Jesus on Oct. 2nd 2017
5 Ways to reach NEW Customers or Leads
As a small Cleaning business, you do not have a Big marketing budget, right?
In any traditional marketing tactics — like print press marketing, TV media and radio ads, and direct mail — can add up fast.
I am sure there are ways to reach customers without breaking the bank. You just must do some research.
These days online marketing channels, small businesses have never had more access to cost-effective ways to track marketing tools. Here are 5 ways and some ideas to for your online marketing presence.
Written by Nova De Jesus  on Oct. 6th 2017
Want to know how to generate leads from your website? Sometimes it's helpful to know what not to do.
Let's look at the top 5 reasons why Cleaning companies leave money on the table by having websites that don't generate leads....
1. You haven’t defined your target audience.
You must have a website that markets for you just like sales or a 24 hour sales marketer -- you have to know who you're speaking to in order to craft your message, after all you did not just spent thousands for it to just sit there. Having a fancy website that doesn’t do nothing for you is useless. You can have an ugly website that generates, having a fancy website doesn't necessarily means it's gonna make you money.
You have to add Benefits for them answer their problems, another words you are the solutions to their problems. After all people go on the search engine because they want answers or solutions to their problems. Your website must speak your target markets language and must have full benefits for them to understand. I hate to say this but it really is like walking a 4 year old. Or talking to a 4 year old.
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